Royal Enfield VIN Decoder

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What is a Royal Enfield VIN Decoder?
A Royal Enfield VIN decoder is a tool that gives instant access to vehicle specifications including the year, make, model, engine specifications, and more. Decoding the 17-digit VIN is also the easiest way to find out everything about the specifications and even check the history of any motorcycle.
With the VIN check tool, you can be sure if the bike has lien or loan records or not, accident records, stolen records, and more. You can be 100% sure of a purchase before committing to it. Don’t be a victim of scams and fraudsters who sell damaged or stolen bikes to unsuspecting customers.
What Information Does Our Royal Enfield VIN Check Provide?
Ownership History
Check the number of previous owners, duration of ownership, location, and more.
Theft Records
Discover if a motorcycle has been marked as stolen by the DMV or NICB and avoid legal trouble.
Title Brand Records
Salvage brand, rebuilt title, flood brand, fire brand, hail brand, junk brand, & more.
Accident history
The number of accident records, dates, and locations, are all clearly shown.
Damage history
Check for structural damage and primary and secondary damage.
Lien & Loan records
Verify if a motorcycle has lien and loan records and avoid repossession.
Get year, make, model, trim, engine, displacement, fuel type, drive type, and more
Sales History
Check sales listing history - date of sale, price, retail value, mileage, condition, damage, repair cost.
Auction history
Check the auction date, price, seller type, auction date, location, and images if available.
Odometer rollback
Check the accurate mileage readings and spot mileage discrepancy
Damage history
Verify the extent of the damage on your potential bike and check for primary and secondary damage.
Has the manufacturer recalled the bike? Why? Find out with a paid VIN check.
Why do I need a Royal Enfield Motorcycle VIN Check?
- Title Brand Records:Discover salvage, rebuilt, or other title brand records to ensure the Royal Enfield is free from title brand records that may impact its roadworthiness and lead to legal complications
- Accident History: Assess the motorcycle's condition by checking for accident records, as well as damage records, to make informed decisions about its potential risks and reliability.
- Ownership Transparency:With a VIN check, you can verify the legitimacy of ownership and get a comprehensive background check. This detail can help you verify information provided by the seller and avoid stolen vehicles.
- Mechanical Reliability: Verify the bike's reliability by accessing details on vehicle usage, recalls, and past issues easily and instantly with a check
- Comprehensive Details: Beyond theft and accident checks, a Vehicle Identification Number check provides a detailed report on sales and auction history, odometer readings, vehicle usage, and more, empowering you to make an informed decision when buying a Royal Enfield motorcycle.
Get Royal Enfield Window Stickers
If you’re buying a Royal Enfield motorcycle, you need to be sure of its specifications and a window sticker gives you just that. With a sticker, you can view the vehicle’s standard equipment, engine specifications, weight rating, fuel type, and lots more motorcycle details.
Royal Enfield Chassis Number Location

- Right side of the frame, near the steering head, below the handlebars. You can also find the frame number here.
- Engine casing, typically on the right side near the cylinder head or crankcase.
- Vehicle registration documents.
Royal Enfield VIN lookup Sample Report
The 2023 Royal Enfield Meteor comes with a concerning history, featuring one accident record, indicating potential damage, and one record of damage. Furthermore, it has a lien or loan record, suggesting financial complications.
These factors should be considered carefully, as they may impact the motorcycle’s overall condition and value.
- VIN: ME3FDP204PV301350
- Style / Body: Motorcycle – Standard
- Engine: V-Shaped 1-Cyl. 0.3493000 L
- Country of Assembly: India

How Do I Check a Royal Enfield Motorcycle VIN Number?
To get a motorcycle VIN check, simply follow the steps below:
You will instantly receive the vehicle history report containing full vehicle information, specifications, and the history of the Royal Enfield motorcycle.
History Reports for All Royal Enfield Models
- Royal Enfield Bullet 350
- Classic 500 (various trims)
- Super Meteor 650
- Continental GT 650
- Thunderbird 350/500
- Himalayan (various variants)
- Interceptor 650
Facts About Royal Enfield
- Royal Enfield of North America is recalling certain Himalayan motorcycles due to a corrosion-related issue that can affect braking performance. An estimated total of 4,891 bike year model 2017-2021 are affected by the recall
- There are reports of Royal Enfield Himalayan motorcycles experiencing manufacturing defects such as issues with the magnetic coil, T-stem, gear, clutch, oil leakage, and engine noise.
- The market segment for Royal Enfield is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 5.10%, resulting in a projected market volume of US$5.49 billion by 2028. Unit sales of Royal Enfield motorcycles are expected to reach 0.92 million by 2028.
- The top 10 motorcycle manufacturers most frequently stolen in 2021 accounted for 78% of all stolen motorcycles, with Honda, Yamaha, and Kawasaki leading the pack.
- The recovery rate for stolen motorcycles remains a point of concern, as only 42% of stolen motorcycles were recovered in 2021.
Frequently Asked Questions
The VIN is usually located on the right side of the bike’s steering head, near the steering head.
A Royal Enfield VIN number typically consists of 17 characters, incorporating a combination of both numbers and letters. This alphanumeric sequence uniquely identifies any Royal Enfield.
Reading a VIN number involves breaking it down into distinct sections. The first three characters represent the WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier), indicating the manufacturer and country. Characters 4-8 make up the VDS (Vehicle Descriptor Section), specifying the factory model, engine type, and series.
The remaining characters (9-17) form the VIS (Vehicle Identifier Section), providing unique details like the assembly plant and production number. Decode this section based on Royal Enfield’s coding system or consult their documentation for accurate interpretation.