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Ford VIN Decoder Build Sheet

Get detailed information about the car, such as its MSRP, options, packages, upgrades, and more, through our Ford build sheet tool.

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What Can You Learn from a Ford Build Sheet?

Vehicle Details

This section has complete information about the year, make, model, and trim. This means you can know exactly which version of the car you have, which is crucial for determining resale values. It’s also helpful for restoring cars to its original states.

Vehicle Options

The build sheet also includes options such as transmission type, drive train, tire size, wheelbase upgrades, seat materials, and others.


Discover your Ford’s standard and optional features, from technology innovation to off-road capabilities.

Warranty Information

Check the original warranty coverage, including durations for the powertrain, bumper-to-bumper, and corrosion warranties.

Original MSRP

The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) gives you information on the vehicle’s original price from the manufacturer when it was first sold.

Price Breakdown

Understanding the costs of each option and package will help you know how the MSRP was calculated.

Interior and Exterior Colors

The build sheet shows the original paint color and interior upholstery, so you can see exactly how your Ford looked when it rolled off the factory floor.

MPG or Fuel Economy

Get official fuel efficiency ratings, including city, highway, and combined MPG.

Where is the VIN on a Ford Vehicle?

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can be found in the FordPass® App, Ford Account, and the vehicle’s SYNC® screen. It can also be located on the driver’s side doorjamb, windshield corner, or documents like registration or insurance.
check VIN online
  • On the dashboard, visible through the windshield on the driver’s side.
  • Inside the driver’s side door, on the door frame or pillar, near the area where the door latches.
  • Vehicle documentation: check the registration documents, bill of sale, insurance documents, etc.

Available Ford Build Sheets

Ford offers many vehicles; the build sheet is available for most models. Some of the most famous models are:

F-150 Explorer
Mustang Raptor
Bronco Escape
Ranger Edge
Maverick Expedition
Transit Super Duty
Fusion Taurus
EcoSport Escape PHEV
Mustang Mach-E E-Series
Transit Connect Lightning

Get Ford Build Sheet by VIN, Plate, or Year, Make & Model

1. Find Your VIN

Find the VIN of your Ford. It’s usually located on the driver’s side door jamb. If you can’t find it there, try looking at your car’s paperwork.

2. Enter the VIN

Enter your Ford’s unique 17-character VIN into the tool above to get the build sheet for any Ford model, even those made before 1980. No VIN? No problem. Use the car’s license plate or the year, make, and model into the search bar. Voila, your build sheet is ready.

3. Get Detailed Information

Get the build sheet for your Ford. Now you will have access to information on its original equipment, engine specs, transmissions, upgrades, options, and more

Buying a Used Ford? Get a History Report!

If you’re buying a used Ford of any type, knowing the original build can only tell you the surface level information. Used cars have been through a lot, and you can find out their past accident records, title brands, ownership transfers, auctions, sales history, and more through a vehicle history report.

Build Sheets for Other Makes


















Land Rover

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get the Build Sheets for my Ford?

Other than using our Ford build sheet by VIN tool, you can resort to online forums to see if any of the members there have a Ford with similar specs. Additionally, you can also request a reprint from Ford, though it costs around $50 - more than twice the cost of ours.

Can I Get my Vehicle Specs with VIN Number?

Yes, you absolutely can. Tools like NHTSA's VIN decoder provide a free option, but the data you'll get will be presented in plain text using technical terms. With our build sheet by VIN tool, you'll get a readily printable build sheet that is friendlier to those who aren't car-savvy.