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Auction VIN Checks!

Detailed Vehicle History is the solution to check any VIN Number for auction history and its status. Our database consists off over 2 million active auctions worldwide at any given time. Every VIN Number checked on Detailed Vehicle History contains detailed information about the auction.
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Never Buy a Vehicle without an Auction VIN Check Verification!

Auctions are well known places to find deals online for used vehicles in the United States, Canada, Europe and worldwide. Using our Auction VIN Lookup Service, you can be certain and accurate up to date auction history on any vehicle. We are the industry’s standard when it comes to Auction data and vehicle history information. Our goal is to empower our customers to obtain up to date information on the VIN numbers they search. The Auction VIN Lookup service works for all types of VIN Numbers!

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Every VIN Number checked on PremiumVIN contains detailed information about the auction such as:


Auction status

Checklist vote

Current Bid or Sold for $ amount


Selling entity (insurance, auction, government)


Date of Auction


Location of Auction

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Previous auction history and listings

Every auction report provides valuable information on the VIN number

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Some basic feature you get from the Auction VIN Checks

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Confirm the condition of the vehicle

Does it start, Engine, Keys, Title information, Location of auction



Our photos include Interior, Exterior, Engine details, Odometer


Title & Condition history

Damages and what is wrong, Notes and Information from the auction or buyer, Details on the damages and estimates on the repairs.


Listing Information & History

Is the auction still active? Sold? Pending? Where is the auction listed and city state? Where is the buyer's country? How much was it sold for?

Case Study (look what our clients found)

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We saved customers thousands of dollars by not buying a severely damaged vehicle.

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