2007 Ford E-350

VIN : 1FTSS34L67DB20817

  • Trim
    Extended VAN
  • Engine Capacity
    5.4 L
  • Fuel Type
  • Drive Type
  • Body Type
    Cargo Van
  • Vehicle Type
  • Country
    United States (USA)
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Vehicle Summary

No record(s) found


This section shows a summary of all major events and significant records of this vehicle.
Title Brand
The vehicle has no branded title
The vehicle has no mileage discrepancy
No accident record(s) found
No Record(s) of damage are found for the vehicle
The vehicle has no specific event reported
Service & Repair
The vehicle has no service & repair record(s)
The vehicle has no auction record(s)
The vehicle has no lien or loan record(s)
The vehicle has no stolen or theft record(s)
The vehicle has no open recalls record

Vehicle Usage Record

1 usage(s) found


Vehicle has personal usage record

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Title Brand Check

No problem(s) found


Fire Brand

The vehicle title has no fire damage record

Hail brand

The vehicle title has no hail damage record

Flood brand

The vehicle title has no flood damage record

Junk or scrapped brand

The vehicle title has no auction junk record

Manufacturer buyback

The vehicle title has no manufacturer buyback record

Lemon brand

The vehicle title has no lemon brand record

Salvage brand

The vehicle title has no salvage brand record

Rebuilt or rebuildable brand

The vehicle title has no rebuilt or rebuildable record

Odometer Brand

The vehicle title has no mileage discrepancy record

Auction brand

The vehicle title has no auction record

Mileage Records

4 record(s) found


Last known record: 69,000

Date Reported Mileage
06/12/2007 5
09/22/2011 28,000
05/02/2013 39,000
12/20/2016 69,000

















Accident Records

0 record(s) found


No record(s) found

Damage Verification

0 record(s) found


Non-title fire damaged

The vehicle title has no fire damage record

Non-title hail damaged

The vehicle title has no hail damage record

Non-title flood damaged

The vehicle title has no flood damage record

Auction junk or scrapped

The vehicle title has no record of auction junk

Recycling facility

The vehicle title has no record of recycling facility

Structural alteration

The vehicle title has no structural damage record

Salvage auction

The vehicle title has no salvage auction record

Auction rebuildable

The vehicle title has no auction rebuildable record

Minor/Major damage incident

The vehicle title has no minor/major damage incident

Dent and Scratches

The vehicle title has no dent and scratches record

Detailed Vehicle History

9 record(s) found


This section gives you a comprehensive and detailed information recorded in this VIN.
Date Source Location Odometer Details
05/03/2007 Independent Source
N/A N/A Vehicle Manufactured And Shipped To Dealer
05/16/2007 Independent Source
OR N/A Vehicle Manufactured And Shipped To Dealer
06/12/2007 Federal Motor Vehicle Records
OR 5 Odometer Reading From Dmv
08/01/2007 Federal Motor Vehicle Records
Registration Event/renewal
09/22/2011 State Agency
OR 28,000 Passed Emission Inspection
05/02/2013 State Agency
OR 39,000 Passed Emission Inspection
12/20/2016 State Agency
OR 69,000 Passed Emission Inspection
09/11/2018 State Agency
OR N/A Passed Emission Inspection
08/20/2020 Federal Motor Vehicle Records
WHITE CITY, OR N/A Registration Event/renewal




Independent Source




Vehicle Manufactured and Shipped to Dealer




Independent Source





Vehicle Manufactured and Shipped to Dealer




Federal Motor Vehicle Records






Odometer Reading from DMV




Federal Motor Vehicle Records





Title Registration Event/Renewal




State Agency






Passed Emission Inspection




State Agency






Passed Emission Inspection




State Agency






Passed Emission Inspection




State Agency





Passed Emission Inspection




Federal Motor Vehicle Records





Registration Event/Renewal

Repair Costs

16 record(s) found


This section shows repairs you may want to perform on your vehicle and its estimated costs
Air Conditioning - Recharge

$31 - $41 in parts

• $161 - $217 in labor

Over time, air conditioning may not blow as cold as when the car was new. That means that the refrigerant used in the air conditioning compressor is no longer capable of cooling. This service involves determining if the refrigerant is lost, which means there’s a leak in the system that needs to be repaired (it may be a faulty seal or connector) or merely has lost its ability to cool. This service is best performed by a service technician.
Wheels - Alignment

$1 - $1 in parts

• $119 - $162 in labor

Alignment is the process of making sure all 4 wheels point in the same direction, which will cause the vehicle to drive straight and not drift. Performing this service regularly (yearly or after the vehicle starts drifting) will extend the life of your tires. Alignment is measured in degrees of camber (tire leaning inward or outward), caster (forward or backward slope of steering components in relation to the McPherson struts) and toe (the direction the tires are pointing). Toe-in means that the tires are pointing inward; toe-out means that the tires are pointing outward. Most vehicles are “averaged” for everyday driving.
Brake Fluid - Flush Fluid & Bleed Brakes

$41 - $55 in parts

• $101 - $136 in labor

Air in the brake lines can create a spongy feeling when you apply the brakes. Bleeding the brake lines usually removes the air, but it isn’t a job for the faint of heart. Better left to professionals, newer ABS braking systems require specialized equipment to complete the job.
Brakes - Resurface Rotors

$18 - $24 in parts

• $128 - $174 in labor

Please note: Pricing shown is for either front brakes or rear brakes. Sometimes you feel a vibration while applying the brakes. That’s a sign that you may need t resurface the brake rotors. Resurfacing extends the life of the rotors by grinding a tiny amount of the metal surface area away, to remove any irregularities or other imperfections that have cropped up over time. 
Engine Diagnostics - Check Engine Light

$92 - $124 in parts

• $142 - $194 in labor

Diagnostics are periodic checks of the system operations of your car, truck or SUV that can give you a quick window into your vehicle’s health. A mechanic performs diagnostics by plugging into a receptacle under the dashboard to access the On Board Diagnostics (OBD-II) tool or by tapping into a system like General Motors’ OnStar.
Engine Control Unit (ECU) - Reprogram

$16 - $22 in parts

• $26 - $36 in labor

Flashing or reprogramming your engine’s computer keeps it up-to-date and operating properly. The engine control unit (ECU) is a computer that controls all of your vehicle’s electronic systems. Like many computers, it occasionally requires reprogramming of its operating software. Your vehicle’s warranty may covered it, but there’s usually an additional charge. For example, Mazda charged a fee to re-flash the system so their vehicles could operate Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. On occasion, other vehicles revert to limp-home mode following an ECU malfunction. In order to diagnose what needs to be done, a dealership technician will connect a computer to the vehicle’s On-Board Diagnostic II (OBD-II) port. Consult with your dealership service department for more information on your specific car, truck or SUV.
Axle - Replace Front Axle

$350 - $473 in parts

• $298 - $403 in labor

The constant-velocity universal joints (CV Joints) connect the front-drive wheels of your car or SUV to the transaxle and then to the engine. These joints are covered by rubber “boots” which help to keep the axle grease in and water and dirt out. Even the best laid plans go astray and through normal wear and sometimes even literal tears, the front CV Joints fail. It used to be easy to replace the CV Joint. That was then, this is now: Manufacturers suggest replacing the entire axle with a new or a remanufactured unit that is already sealed before installation. This practice is more desirable than rebuilding the faulty CV Joint due to the amount of work involved in the process. This is a job for professionals.
Fuel Pump - Replace

$408 - $552 in parts

• $499 - $675 in labor

Located inside your fuel tank, a fuel pump has a small electric motor to make sure that pressurized gasoline flows to the engine to power the vehicle. Along the way, the fuel passes through a filter, either inside the fuel tank or externally in the fuel flow line. Most fuel pumps will last for the life of the vehicle but occasionally they can fail. Signs of such failure are a car that won’t start or stalls once it has started. Other times, the fuel flow can slowly become starved causing the check engine light to come on. Or if you hear a whirring sound coming from your fuel tank, the fuel pump may be about to fail, since fuel pumps do not normally make noise. A mechanic will need to get to the failed pump through the top of the fuel tank via an access panel in the passenger compartment or by removing the tank from the vehicle. This moderately complicated job is best performed at your dealership’s service department.
Tire(s) - Mount & Balance (4 Wheels)

$187 - $253 in parts

• $53 - $71 in labor

Just getting a new tire doesn’t always result in a smooth ride. Because of manufacturing and mounting irregularities, tires need to be balanced by adding counter-balancing weights to certain parts of the wheel.
Power Steering Fluid - Flush

$48 - $64 in parts

• $81 - $109 in labor

Modern cars, trucks and SUVs all use power steering to make maneuvering effortless. The power steering system uses a pump and hydraulic pressure to assist the steering gears. Power steering fluid is designed to last for as long as 100,000 miles, but the system may leak or the fluid may become exhausted before then. Follow the recommendation from your owner’s manual to see when it’s time to flush the power steering fluid. A mechanic will flush the system by removing dark, discolored power steering fluid and refilling it with fresh fluid, while an assistant turns the steering wheel from left to right to get old fluid out of the system. When the remaining fluid appears like fresh fluid, the system has been successfully flushed. Remove the remaining fluid, refill with fresh power steering fluid and your vehicle should be good for another 100,000 miles.
Power Steering Pump - Replace

$283 - $383 in parts

• $390 - $528 in labor

A belt-driven power steering pump provides your vehicle with the hydraulic pressure needed to assist its steering. That boost eases the effort enabling a smoother steering motion. Power steering pumps fail as a result of worn bearings or by leaks which have drained the power steering fluid from the pump entirely. Failure to address the lack of fluid and a subsequent pump malfunction can cause the pump to seize up. At the same time, it’s a good idea to also have all hoses that lead to the pump replaced to minimize the chance of subsequent power steering fluid leaks. Many newer vehicles have gone to electrically assisted power steering, which eliminates the use of hydraulic fluid, hoses and the pump itself.
Thermostat - Replace

$145 - $197 in parts

• $325 - $439 in labor

A vehicle’s cooling system uses a thermostat valve to help regulate the engine’s temperature. When the engine is cold, the valve will be closed, bypassing the radiator and allowing the engine to rapidly come up to operating temperature. After that level has been reached, the valve on the thermostat opens to allow coolant to circulate through the radiator. But sometimes, through normal wear and tear or contaminants in the coolant, the thermostat may fail to open, causing the engine to overheat. This will be evident by the temperature gauge climbing into the high temperature (usually red) zone. Remember that a thermostat failure can also be caused by other factors, as well. For that reason, it is important to have a skilled mechanic check all the links in the chain – radiator, coolant pump, hoses and thermostat.
Tire Pressure (TPMS) Sensor - Replace

$91 - $123 in parts

• $107 - $145 in labor

A tire pressure sensor is designed to warn that one or more of your tires is underinflated. All cars built since 2007 are required to have this system. The most common sensor uses a battery and operates via a wireless transmitter mounted inside the rim of your tire’s wheel. When it detects low pressure, it sends a signal to your vehicle’s computer system that shows up on your instrument panel as an icon of a tire or some other alert. Most warn of low pressure without indicating a specific tire, while more advanced systems can flag an individual wheel or indicate the pressure in each tire. The batteries in tire pressure sensors last around five to seven years but sometimes they can fail earlier. The sensors can also be damaged from potholes or other sudden jarring. Replacing the sensor is easy for a tire retailer or your dealership service department. Your service technician will also electronically reset the system after replacing the sensors or whenever you replace your tires.
Transmission Fluid - Flush

$131 - $176 in parts

• $115 - $156 in labor

Most new vehicles are equipped with an automatic transmission. As a result, there's not really much maintenance to perform. Still, most owner’s manuals will recommend changing the transmission fluid every 90,000 miles or so. Flushing your transmission’s fluid has fallen out of vogue in recent years because the high-pressure cleaning involved may dislodge debris inside the transmission that can literally gum up the works. By following your vehicle’s maintenance schedule, your car’s gearbox will offer years of trouble-free driving. For more information check with your owner’s manual and your dealership service advisor.
Wheel Locks - Install

$37 - $49 in parts

• $38 - $52 in labor

Designed to prevent the theft of your vehicle’s expensive rims, lug nut wheel locks are a relatively inexpensive way to at least slow down the bad guys. The unfortunate truth is that if someone really wants them, they will probably get them. The object of the wheel lock is to prevent or at least slow that process down. Typically, a set of wheel locks will include four locks (one lock per wheel) and at least one key to put the wheel locks on and off. Remember where you put the key and also to never over-torque the wheel lock to the lug nut.
Wiper Blades - Replace 1 Front Wiper

$34 - $47 in parts

• $8 - $10 in labor

Consider them part of the vehicle’s safety equipment: If you can’t see through the windshield, you are likely putting yourself, your family and your vehicle at risk. You should aim to replace your wiper blades every six months to a year, due to the toll they take from extreme heat and humidity, which work to cut down the useful life of your blades.

Warranty Status/Coverage

4 record(s) found


This vehicle is covered. If this vehicle has changed hands, the new owner is also covered by this warranty. Below is your default warranty information. This excludes any additional warranty coverage you may have purchased.


Basic (months/miles)
Powertrain (months/miles)
Corrosion perforation (months/miles)
Roadside assistance (months/miles)
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